Oh No Baby What Is You Doing Funny Slo Mo Gifs


50 of the Best Cycling Memes

A collection of cycling memes for the lol's, rofl's and lamo's that every cyclist can relate to

They say laughter is the best medicine, and we'd have to agree (next to cycling, that is). Having a good old giggle over a funny story, or even at your own misfortunes has a positive affect on your mental well-being.

The internet is a fantastical web of information that can be shared worldwide. With the booming success of social media websites, it's never been easier to share your thoughts, stories and jokes.

Meme's are defined as:

  • an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.

  • an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.

We've seen them circling our feeds with relatable and humours puns and phrases which often make us laugh and say "omg, that's so me". So we've scoured the web for the best cycling memes out there. Let the good lol's roll…

  1. Afterall, dating a female cyclist is pretty awesome…

  2. Every clipped in rider has suffered the slo-mo fall.

3.     It's a pain, but you can do it!

4. Ever feel that childlike wonder and excitement as you walk into a bike shop. My precious.

5. Whoops! That may be a little fib…

6. It's a healthy addiction at least…

7. Is there such as thing as too much? We didn't think so…

8. You know what they say, "Strava, or it didn't happen"

9. Never say it's the last run!

10. Don't worry, your bike misses you too

11. Come rain or shine, our inner child is happiest when riding

12. Yes, yes we did. Some of the best friendships are made on two wheels!

13. This looks like the perfect spot for a nap… not!

14. A radar that every cyclist will develop

15. The struggle is real!

16. The countdown begins after every finished ride…

17. Urgh, really?

18. A woman's place is exactly where she wants it to be.

19. ooo err….

20. There's nothing more annoying!

21. Perhaps you should take a bike mechanics course, or two

22. What is life when you're in recovery and off the bike?

23. I think every cyclist can relate to this one, especially when the spring collections come out!

24. Pedal, dammit!

25. Every ride!

26. Us cyclists are always to blame…

27. Positive mental attitude. It's you!

28. We just look so damn good, right?

29. Urgh, and undress…

30. Feels good, doesn't it?

31. Never underestimate a woman on a bicycle

32. Oh boy, oh boy…

33. It happens way too often

34. A daily struggle for most cyclists

35. Riding in the wind is pretty effective

36. I haz a sad

37. No pain, no gain…

38. You are the only one who cares…

39. Mountain bikers will know…

40. Keep calm…

41. Storage solutions are welcome!

42. Jealous much?

43. Back away from the team kits…

44. Whoops!

45. Who else has a more expensive bike than car? (Me)

46. It's all about the bike

47. Really? REALLY??

48. Get them while they're young

49. Feel familiar?

50. A family that rides together, stays together…

If we've missed out any of your favourites, do post them in the comments. We're always looking for more reasons to laugh and love cycling!

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23 Awkward things to happen on a bike ride

30 Things we think about when cycling

19 Reasons why dating a female cyclist is awesome



Source: https://totalwomenscycling.com/lifestyle/50-best-cycling-memes

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